Iron Making

Iron Making

Our extensive experience combined with exceptional expertise across a variety of ironmaking processes and cutting-edge technologies enables us to deliver tailored project management, engineering, and consultancy to our clients globally for both existing ironmaking facilities and new investments. Ruhr Montan Group has what it takes to deliver best-in-class technical and industry-specific awareness throughout the ironmaking process cycle that initiates from diligent selection of raw material and ends with precision-oriented hot metal development and casting.


Every ironmaking project features specific requirements including the quality of raw materials, production ability, fuel accessibility, logistics and environmental and regulatory considerations. Relying on our comprehensive industry knowledge for development of new ironmaking projects, we can provide professional assistance to you putting you in an ideal position to assess multiple technologies and plant configurations, discover and select best raw materials and fuels, and identify the economic feasibility of your new project.

For your existing ironmaking projects, we deliver valuations, due diligence, and recommendations to empower you to identify and develop the best suitable process along with health, safety, and environmental performance. The expertise of RMG encapsulates all ironmaking facets including alternative technologies and the following:

  • Corex technology
  • Direct reduction plants
  • Blast furnace ironmaking
  • Upstream processing like beneficiation, pelletisation, sintering, coke making, raw material handling, storage, and transportation
  • Related complementary services including logistics systems, fire prevention and protection, building services, industrial gases, water treatment plant, waste treatment systems, utilities, and material handling facilities


  • Conceptualisation and conducting option studies along with market evaluations
  • Comprehensive analysis of raw material suitability and selection recommendations for metallurgical coke, coal, sinter, pellet, and iron ore
  • Conducting technical due diligence studies and feasibility studies from pre-feasibility level to bankability
  • Cost versus benefit analysis, system optimisation, and valuations
  • Design assessment, project management consultancy, logistics and performance studies
  • Providing quality assurance, construction supervision, and surveillance during manufacturing
  • Risk assessment and operational assistance along with maintenance schemes
  • Environmental, health, and safety performance assessment with optimisation recommendations